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Person Page 6,188

Ann Poulton

b. 7 September 1818, d. before 1881


Ann Poulton was born on 7 September 1818 in Fernyhalgh.1,2,3


FatherJohn Robert Poulton (b. 6 April 1785, d. circa 1834)
MotherElizabeth Green (b. 1787, d. 30 January 1855)

Family life

Robert Clarkson and Ann Poulton were married in June 1851 in Preston. His daughter Elizabeth would later marry his new wife's brother, John.4

Children with Robert Clarkson (b. 28 December 1809, d. 9 October 1881)

DaughterIsabella Clarkson (b. 1852)
SonThomas Clarkson (b. 1854)
DaughterAlice Clarkson (b. 1855)
SonJohn Clarkson (b. 1857)
DaughterElizabeth Clarkson (b. 1858)
SonJames Clarkson (b. 1860, d. 1860)

Residence information

On 6 June 1841 they resided with parent (Elizabeth Green, cotton weaver) in Fulwood, Lancashire.1 On 30 March 1851 he resided with parent (Elizabeth Green, farmer of 3 acres) in Fulwood, Lancashire.2 , as 's spouse, resided with, in Fulwood, Lancashire, on 30 March 1861. cotton handloom weaver.5 , as 's spouse, resided with, in Fulwood, Lancashire, on 30 March 1871. labourer.6

Working life

  • On 6 June 1841 Ann Poulton was a cotton weaver in Fulwood Row.1
  • On 30 March 1851 Ann Poulton was a hand loom weaver in Fulwood.2
  • On 30 March 1861 Ann Poulton was a cottom handloom weaver at Fulwood Row in Fulwood.5
  • On 30 March 1871 Ann Poulton was a laundress at Fulwood Row in Fulwood.6


Ann Poulton died before 1881. Her husband was described as a widower on the 1881 census.7


  1. [S1191] Elizabeth Poulton, 6 Jun 1841 Census UK, London, Fulwood, Public Record Office, p11.
  2. [S1192] Elizabeth Poulton, 30 Mar 1851 Census UK, London, Fulwood, Public Record Office, p7.
  3. [S1233] FamilySearch, Index to English Baptisms (FMP), (Find My Past), 7 Sep 1818, Fernyhalgh, Lancashire.
  4. [S1210] Lancashire BMD, Index to Lancashire Marriages, (Lancashire BMD), Preston/16/161.
  5. [S1211] Robert Clarkson, 30 Mar 1861 Census UK, London, Fulwood, Public Record Office, p8.
  6. [S1212] Robert Clarkson, 30 Mar 1871 Census UK, London, Fulwood, Public Record Office, p13.
  7. [S1213] Oliver Hothersall, 30 Mar 1881 Census UK, London, Fulwood, Public Record Office, p27.
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ContextPoulton clan
Last Edited28 May 2020